The me mix

An art director and a firm believer that it is perfectly fine to eat ice cream for breakfast. Creative thinker but a lousy gamer. A biker with a TTC pass. A designer with awful handwriting. Laid-back yet energized by possibilities. A team player who’s committed to personal development.

My Resumé

with more words

with less words


My coffee mix

My daily mix

My reading mix


My education mix


MDes. Executive MA
in Advertising


BA in Advertising
and Design


Certificate in
Social Media Strategy

Asset 60.png

Certified Barista


With over 20 years of international experience in advertising and design, I have designed and directed campaigns for on and offline media, multinational corporations and small start-ups. My passion for digital communication and a Masters in Advertising from OCAD, mean an approach that is both strategic and artistic. Whether it’s new business development, responsive website design, interactive mobile offerings, or tactical communications, my enthusiasm for the work, the technology and people bring a unique perspective to every project.

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